Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Occupational Therapy Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Occupational Therapy Practice - Assignment Example Another example is a kindergarten child shows evidence of bibliophobia. An occupational therapist help rehabilitate the condition by presenting books that appeal to his/her personal senses, for instance, tapping the emotional likings. If the child loves cars or flowers, the occupational therapist can give the child books with attractive picture illustrations and short descriptions. The goal is to enable the child to appreciate writings and develop a liking for reading. There are different ways therapists can encourage the use of the just right challenge for example in helping clients who have the behaviour of smoking. They can be introduced into other leisure activities that they enjoy most as a means of rehabilitation hence occupational therapists are to encourage them to adapt to the new environment as they swithch from their smoking behaviour. Therapist can use just right challenge in children to help them learn through play activities these help children develop their physical co ordination, social skills enabling them socialize with other children. It also helps them develop emotionally and improve their self-confidence. For this reason therapists recommend leisure and play activities that give the just right challenge for children when learning and having fun. They also provide activities that help children learn how to solve problems. Besides behaviour change and improvement of children skills, therapist also helps clients with mental problems by recommending leisure activities.

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